Our Vision

Many young adults in Rwanda die from undiagnosed rheumatic heart disease. Establishing a cardiology training program in Rwanda will transform the landscape of the country’s

capacity to diagnose and treat cardiovascular disease. A strong collaborative relationship between Rwanda Ministry of

Health, University of Rwanda, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and the

University of

Kigali Teaching Hospital ( CHUK), has been established to accomplish this goal. Rwanda faculty have traveled to University of Cincinnati. Rwanda trainees will be hosted at University of Cincinnati in 2023. With your

support, we can empower Rwanda to sustainably care for the cardiovascular needs of their people.


Creating opportunities for career growth and cardiac care in Rwanda through education, training and collaboration.


Dr. Sibomana has a passion for cardiology and

critical care medicine. He cared for many heart failure and rheumatic valve

patients at his academic practice at CHUK hospital, in Butare. His attempt to

secure a cardiology fellowship was limited due to the lack of programs in the

region. Due to his strong academic activities, he secured a pulmonary/critical

care fellowship at Addis Ababa University, with completion in 2022. Dr. Sibomana shares the belief of having subspecialty training in Rwanda. 

He now teaches on our curriculum on the ground in Rwanda as well as online.

Dr. Sibomana (second to the right) and Dr. Kerr (far right) during initial visit in 2016.


Learn More About Our Vision


Make a donation.

Your contribution will facilitate the education and training of bright young Rwandan physicians in cardiovascular medicine. It will provide collaboration with top tier medical institutions, with the ultimate goal of creating a sustainable on the ground training program in Rwanda under the leadership of Rwandan health care leaders and support of University of Cincinnati. Your contribution will impact millions of young people afflicted with cardiac disease in Rwanda. Supporting a sustainable training program will secure the country’s ability to provide care of excellence for years to come. Help us make this sustainable life long goal a reality.